My Comic Fandome Is Alive Again !!

Remembering on the reasons why I stopped reading comics was a sad and lonely day and actually ending what I loved so much for so many years had nothing to do with my advancing age . The love for a medium doesn’t have a expiration date , even though Comic reading has profoundly changed due in part to the Coovf 19 , brick and mortar stores are fast becoming a dying breed and I have mixed emotions about that ,

Even though I cannot go into a store anymore I will still hold on to a feeling that has been burning inside of me for the past 3 months since Zach Snyder said that his cut of Justice League will be streaming on HBO Maxx , that I will get to see , the way MR Snyder wants the movie to be and I’ll get MORE Ben Affleck as Batman and just maybe his own series with could lead to many other Snyder related projects , so my head is back in the game and I will be posting new updates on the progress of this and more ,.. I AM BACK !!!

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